L.E.A.P. into our website! At Pine Ridge Elementary, we believe in Leadership, Effort, Always being Safe, and having a Positive Attitude. GOOOOOO PANTHERS!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wishing everyone in our Pine Ridge Family a safe and happy holiday season! Enjoy your winter break and I will see you in the New Year, 2012!
Hey Everyone!
Are you reading a good book this winter break? If so, please share any summaries, comments, questions, or connections you have with your book. I will respond back as soon as I can and others can comment on your post(s) too. I will give extra credit to anyone who posts a comment and thoughtfully responds to at least 3 others students' posts. HAPPY READING!
Are you reading a good book this winter break? If so, please share any summaries, comments, questions, or connections you have with your book. I will respond back as soon as I can and others can comment on your post(s) too. I will give extra credit to anyone who posts a comment and thoughtfully responds to at least 3 others students' posts. HAPPY READING!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Weekly Homework for December 12-16
Dear 5th Graders and Families,
This is going to be an exciting and busy week here at Pine Ridge Elementary! We have many fun things planned for you to make this a memorable week. Keep in mind these “dress up” days when planning your wardrobe this week:
· Monday- crazy sock day
· Tuesday- silly sweater day
· Wednesday- holiday hat/hair day
· Thursday-tacky tie day
· Friday- P.J. day
We would like to extend a HUGE “Thank You” to all of those who contributed to our holiday service learning project. We are going to make many children and families very happy this holiday season.
Our holiday party will be this Friday. We are going to have a breakfast that morning beginning at 9:30 a.m. Your child’s teacher will contact you about what you can contribute for the breakfast. You are invited to attend, so we hope you can make it! We will be watching a movie in the afternoon so if you have an appropriate movie to bring in we will be voting on Thursday. The students have been working really hard, and we hope this will be a rewarding day for them….they deserve it!
All homework is due on Friday so be sure to budget your time accordingly. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We wish you all a WONDERFUL holiday season and hope you ENJOY your time with family and friends. We will see you NEXT YEAR!!! J
Vocabulary: We will not have vocabulary words or a test this week.
Word Work/Spelling: This week we will focus on PREFIXES in Unit 9. Please read the Family Letter and complete the Take-Home Task together to familiarize yourself with the concepts. We will also discuss homophones (words that are spelled the same way, but have different meanings, i.e. “our” and “are.”) Be sure to look for these words in your reading and writing this week.
Reading: Read a novel of your choice each night for 20 minutes to become a better reader. In class we will work on making connections (text-text; text-self; text-world) in our Daybook text. Ms. Reese’s class will have a Unit 1 Reading Daybook test on Thursday.
Social Studies: We will not have weekly geography this week. Ms. Reese’s class will have a geography quiz this Wednesday. Ms. Reese’s class will also have an address quiz this week. Be sure you know how to write, spell, and punctuate your entire mailing address. This is VERY important!
Writing: Ms. Reese’s class will practice writing a CSAP-like extended response. It is a narrative story prompt describing a time when we have helped others. It is better to give than receive!
PTO Announcements
First of all, thank you ALL for a fun filled and successful Barnes & Noble Night. Ms. Nuss and the Choir did a wonderful job, THANK YOU!!! Another big THANK YOU to Mr. Carney and our teachers for reading to the kids, I know they enjoyed it. We know the Holiday Season gets a little crazy and we appreciate that we have such great families that support our school. If you still have some shopping to do, you can still support us online until 12/13/11 by entering bookfair ID 10497352.
Remember to turn in those holiday receipts. Also remember if you purchase a gift card from the mall office, let them know you are with Pine Ridge, it is worth 1,000 points.
Next Week Activities for the kids and staff:
Monday is Crazy Sock Day
Tuesday is Silly Sweater Day
Wednesday is Holiday Hair or Hat Day
Thursday is Tacky Tie Day
Friday is PJ Day (please make sure to wear school appropriate PJ's)
What a fun week the kids had at the holiday shop. Thank you to Kendra Elmore and Renee Colvin for organizing the event and thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers, we couldn't have done it without you.
Student Council would like to thank everyone who purchased Boo Grams. The money raised from the sales of the Boo Grams were used to adopt 5 Cherry Creek School District Families for the holidays. Because of our generous families, these 5 families will have a wonderful holiday season. Thank you so much!!!!
Thanks to everyone who purchased and contributed to our very first Pine Ridge Cookbook. If you are still interesting in buying a cookbook, please send $8.00 to your teacher attention PTO and we will get one sent home for you.
Lost and found is filling up again. Please check the table in the front hallway at school this week. All coats and items will be donated on Friday. Please remember to write your child's name in their personal items to help control the items left behind.
Remember to turn in those holiday receipts. Also remember if you purchase a gift card from the mall office, let them know you are with Pine Ridge, it is worth 1,000 points.
EARN 5,000 POINTS WHEN YOU ATTEND MOVIES WITH SANTA December 3, 10 and 17 at 10am. $5 donation benefits The Starlight Foundation.
Sign in when you purchase your tickets to earn 5,000 points per family.
Here is a link with more information:
Campbell's Labels For Education
Please send in any qualifying Campbell's labels for logging by Dec. 16th. We receive a bonus for anything sent before the end of the year.
Just a reminder that during the crazy weather, please be aware of the number of people trying to drop-off and pick-up their children. Please do not park in a non parking area and leave your vehicle. We have had a great deal of traffic the past 2 weeks and we need to remember to drop the kids off and leave as soon as possible. Thanks for being patient and courteous of others.
Hope you all have a great holiday and a wonderful break. Always know you can contact the PTO with suggestions or questions. Thanks again for all of our wonderful families and teachers.
Your PTO Team
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Buddy Service Learning Activity: Please Read!
Dear Larson and Reese Parents and Students,
We have been working together as reading buddies and have come up with a holiday idea. Student Council has just conducted our 2nd annual Adopt-a-Family. We have adopted families from the Cherry Creek School District and used the money that we earned from the sale of Boo Grams in October to purchase presents for them. We still have one family with 6 children that needs to be adopted. We would like to make it a community service project for our classes.
If possible, we would like for each child to bring in $5.00 that we will put towards purchasing gifts for this family. This is totally voluntary and you may choose not to participate. This might be a good opportunity for your child to earn the money by doing a few extra chores around the house.
We need all money turned in by Friday, December 9th, so we can get the shopping done. Please send in cash only. We will wrap the gifts and make cards for the family in class the next week. Mrs. Larson and Ms. Reese will also contribute financially to this project. We hope this will be a learning experience for all students involved.
Thank you for your help and support,
Kristen Larson
Emily Reese
Holiday Information
I hope to see everyone tonight at Barnes & Noble in Southlands. I will be wrapping presents from 5-6:30 so be sure to stop by and say hello!
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom holiday/winter party next Friday please contact me ASAP so we can begin making plans. If I do not hear from anyone, I will determine the plans and send home a letter in this week's Thursday folder.
If you have an artifact to share with the class about a family holiday tradition, be sure to bring it tomorrow in order to share with everyone. Keep up the good work!
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom holiday/winter party next Friday please contact me ASAP so we can begin making plans. If I do not hear from anyone, I will determine the plans and send home a letter in this week's Thursday folder.
If you have an artifact to share with the class about a family holiday tradition, be sure to bring it tomorrow in order to share with everyone. Keep up the good work!
Vocabulary Words for Dec. 5-9
1. astonishment: (noun) surprise; amazement
2. manacled: (verb) handcuffed
3. charred: (verb) burned
4. solemnly: (adverb) very seriously
5. plateau: (noun) an area of high, flat land
6. skeptically: (adverb) doubtfully; unbelievingly
7. tinged: (verb) slightly colored or flavored
8. hovered: (verb) stayed in one place in the air
9. cacophony (noun) a clashing combination of sounds or colors
10. archaeologist: (noun) a scientist who studies artifacts to learn about past cultures
Weekly Homework for December 5-9
Dear 5th Graders and Families,
We hope to see many of you on Tuesday for our Barnes & Nobel Night at Southlands. It is sure to be a wonderful time with our Pine Ridge community! This week is also the Holiday Shop, so please be prepared to shop on your class’s assigned day. Be on the look-out for more information coming home soon about our winter party on the last day of school. We look forward to a week full of fun and learning.
All homework is due on Friday so be sure to budget your time accordingly. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great week! J
Vocabulary: On the back of this page are words that come from the other subjects we are currently studying. You need to know the definition, the part of speech, and how to use it correctly in a sentence. You will have a vocabulary test on all 10 words on Friday. The format of the test will vary each week.
Word Work/Spelling: This week we will focus on analogies and the suffix –er in Unit 9. Please read the Family Letter and complete the Take-Home Task together to familiarize yourself with the concepts. We will also discuss homographs (words that have more than one meaning and pronunciation, i.e. “present.”) Be sure to look for these words in your reading and writing this week.
Reading: Read a novel of your choice each night for 20 minutes to become a better reader. In class we will work on making connections (text-text; text-self; text-world) in our Daybook text. We will also work on novels and leveled readers to improve comprehension skills.
Social Studies: Complete the weekly geography worksheet, questions 56-60. Use the provided maps and other resources such as an atlas, globe, or internet websites. Be sure to answer ALL parts of each question! There will be a geography quiz before the winter break. Your teacher will let you know when this will be.
Writing: We will continue our informative essay unit. Homework will be determined by your child’s teacher each night.
PTO Announcements
Our Holiday Gift Shop will be open December 5-9 for the students to shop for their friends and family. We could still use a few volunteers, please visit the Sign Up Genius website (signupgenius.com) and select "Find A Sign Up". You will use my e-mail (renee.colvin@yahoo.com) to search for the sign up. From there, you will be able to select the Holiday Shop Volunteers and see all the available time slots that we need to fill. Please contact Renee or your child's teacher for additional information.
Thank you!
Renee Colvin
Spirit Wear Sales
Tuesday & Thursday morning 8:15 to 9:15, Tuesday & Thursday afternoon 3:00 to 4:00 in the front foyer of school. We accept cash or checks payable to PRE PTO. We have waterbottles $5.00, Coffee Travel Mugs $10.00, Shopping Bags $3.00 and cookbooks $8.00.
We also have a variety of tshirts and some sweatshirts. Please stop buy and get some extra holiday gifts. Please email Tonya Barber for additional information or questions. TonyaTB@msn.com
Tuesday December 6th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Southlands Barnes and Noble. Mr. Carney will be reading at 5:00 pm with the choir performing at 6:00 pm. Please join the PTO and some of your teachers and friends for a fun evening. Please remember to let Barnes and Noble know you are with Pine Ridge and remember to turn in your receipts for Earning For Learning.
We would like to apologize for the cancelation of Skate City the other night due to the weather.
EARN 5,000 POINTS WHEN YOU ATTEND MOVIES WITH SANTA December 3, 10 and 17 at 10am. $5 donation benefits The Starlight Foundation.
Sign in when you purchase your tickets to earn 5,000 points per family.
Here is a link with more information:
Thanks to all of you that sent in receipts during the triple point bonus!
Pine Ridge Cook Books are in and have been sent home. Thank you to Julie Millunzi & Kerri Bridges of the PTO for all of their hard work collecting recipes and organizing the book. We would also like to thank all of our great families for sending in those wonderful recipes. Please contact Julie or Kerri if you did not receive your order. If you would like to purchase a cookbook, please visit the spirit wear sale at school on Tuesday and Thursday. Julie at fmillunzi@netzero.com, Kerri at queensburg1@hotmail.com.
December 6 is Colorado Gives Day! Check out the website Givingfirst.org for information and ideas.
Reminders:Monday December 12th-16tth is fun week before winter break!!!!
Monday is Crazy Sock Day,
Tuesday is Silly Sweater Day,
Wednesday is Holiday Hair or Hat Day,
Thursday is Tacky Tie Day,
Friday is P.J. Day (please make sure to wear school appropriate PJ's)
Thank you for all of your support and for all of your wonderful children. We have a fun week ahead and hope to see you all at some point. Your PTO Team.
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About Me

- Ms. Reese
- Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! I am so happy and grateful to be a part of the Buffalo Trail community and especially the wonderful 5th grade team. This is my 2nd year at BTE and my 12th year of teaching. I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades in Kentucky and Colorado. Before moving to Denver three years ago, I lived in Northern Kentucky near Cincinnati, Ohio. I earned a BS from the University of Kentucky and my MAT from the University of Louisville. In 2007, I became a National Board Certified Teacher with an emphasis in Early/Middle Childhood Reading and Language Arts. In my free time, I love to read, ride my bike, try new restaurants, and go to concerts/sports events. I love cheering my teams on during basketball season, hiking, and skiing. I am loving Colorful Colorado and look forward to our new adventures together!