Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Homework for January 30-February 3

Dear 5th Graders and Families,
We want to congratulate all 5th graders on a job well done during MAPS testing. We are very proud of you! Let’s keep in mind our goals as we move closer towards the state assessment in March. It is a good time to reflect on our talk with Mr. Carney last week, and focus on what we need to do on a daily basis to be successful.
REMINDER: It is school policy to line up outside in the morning and walk in with your class and 5th grade teacher unless it has been designated an “inside day” due to inclement weather. We appreciate your attention and desire to be good role models in this matter!
All homework is due on Friday so be sure to budget your time accordingly. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great week! J

Vocabulary:  On the back of this page are words that come from the other subjects we are currently studying. You need to know the definition, the part of speech, and how to use it correctly in a sentence. You will have a vocabulary test on all 10 words on Friday. The format of the test will vary each week.
Word Work/Spelling: This week we will focus on different spelling patterns for the ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ sounds in Unit 14. Please read the Family Letter and complete the Take-Home Task together to familiarize yourself with the concepts. Be sure to look for these words in your reading and writing this week. We will have a spelling test on Friday.

Social Studies: Complete the weekly geography worksheet, questions 81-85. Use the provided maps and other resources such as an atlas, globe, or internet websites. Be sure to answer ALL parts of each question!
We will begin Unit 6, which focuses on Early English Colonies. Lessons will be very hands-on. It is important to be actively listening and participating in order to do well on the test. No study guides will be given for the test.
Science: We will continue to concentrate and dilute solutions in our Investigation 3 experiments this week.
Reading: All Novel Groups must have their novels completed this week. The project that you chose and were given last Friday must be completed by this Friday (February 3rd). Make sure to turn in your rubric on Friday also.
Writing:  We will work on an outline for our Feature Article focusing on our thesis. We will also begin the research process.


  1. Hi Ms Reese!
    I looked over the "Design a Game" rubric and I have a question on it. For the first question it says Was your book approved by the due date?
    I am not so sure about that. Can you tell me what that means?
    Thank you!!!!!!!

    1. Okay!! Thank you!! See you tomorrow!
      Good night!

  2. When is the science test.

  3. In the planner you should have written Friday. It is also at the top of the study guide.

  4. i am so jhappy i have school 2morrow


About Me

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Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! I am so happy and grateful to be a part of the Buffalo Trail community and especially the wonderful 5th grade team. This is my 2nd year at BTE and my 12th year of teaching. I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades in Kentucky and Colorado. Before moving to Denver three years ago, I lived in Northern Kentucky near Cincinnati, Ohio. I earned a BS from the University of Kentucky and my MAT from the University of Louisville. In 2007, I became a National Board Certified Teacher with an emphasis in Early/Middle Childhood Reading and Language Arts. In my free time, I love to read, ride my bike, try new restaurants, and go to concerts/sports events. I love cheering my teams on during basketball season, hiking, and skiing. I am loving Colorful Colorado and look forward to our new adventures together!