Monday, April 23, 2012

Vocabulary Words April 23-27

  1. mesa- (noun) a flat hill with steep sides
  2. reined- (verb) pulled on by the reins
  3. pursed- (verb) gathered or wrinkled
  4. jabbed- (verb) poked
  5. treacherous- (adjective) dangerous
  6. boycott- (verb) to protest by refusing to use or buy a good or service
  7. massacre- (noun) the murder of several or many people who are defenseless
  8. repeal- (verb) to cancel or undo a law
  9. proclomation- (noun) an official public announcement
  10. delegate- (noun) a person who prepresents others at a convention or conference
  11. import- (verb) to bring into a country in order to sell
  12. protest-(verb) to object to something


  1. Hey Ms. Reese!
    I have a question on my vocabulary graphic organizers.
    If the word is a verb, can we use sentences as our examples and non examples?

  2. Oh, and by the way, hi everybody!!!

    -Connor Lund


About Me

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Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! I am so happy and grateful to be a part of the Buffalo Trail community and especially the wonderful 5th grade team. This is my 2nd year at BTE and my 12th year of teaching. I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades in Kentucky and Colorado. Before moving to Denver three years ago, I lived in Northern Kentucky near Cincinnati, Ohio. I earned a BS from the University of Kentucky and my MAT from the University of Louisville. In 2007, I became a National Board Certified Teacher with an emphasis in Early/Middle Childhood Reading and Language Arts. In my free time, I love to read, ride my bike, try new restaurants, and go to concerts/sports events. I love cheering my teams on during basketball season, hiking, and skiing. I am loving Colorful Colorado and look forward to our new adventures together!